Hanged ‘witches’ Could Be Pardoned Four Centuries After

Hanging was a more common punishment than burning for witchcraft
Three women hanged for witchcraft could be pardoned almost 400 years after their execution in Exeter

Temperance Lloyd, Susannah Edwards and Mary Trembles of Bideford were hanged in 1682, in England’s last known witchcraft hanging. They were all convicted on word of mouth evidence. Even though the JP (Justice of the peace) did not believe them guilty, he had them sentenced to death in response to the angry mob outside the court room, demanding their execution.


A petition was started by campaigners stating all of there women were innocent and that they were killed for being different. 
The petition closed on August 24th 2013, I’m not sure if they managed to get enough signatures, I really hope they did. 
Its only shame that there is not a pardon being passed for all the women persecuted during the great witch hunts across Europe. The numbers vary from tens of thousands to nine million. 

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